Sunday, December 17, 2006

Sunday Session

I've been at work all week and people come in and tell me how big the river is. Even though it was cold it was good to find out the river was still high today. Paul and Claire were up this weekend so Paul and I got a trip up to Stanley for a bit of a session on the wee ec. The river was showing 8ft on the SEPA gauge at Ballathie.

We had to use a rope to get upstream of the wave to make it easier to get on.
Me on the wave.

Paul on the wave.

Thanks Claire for coming out in the cold to take the shots.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Sunday High

The Tay is still high although not as high as it has been we still managed to get out on the water yesterday and enjoy the water levels. It wasn't too cold for December anyway. The rain is set to come in again this week so we should see some more high levels again. I still need to get my truck built though.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Autumn to Winter

Over the last month or 2 we have had loads of leaves falling from the trees next to the shop. This morning I came in to work and saw the last leave on the tree. It is definately winter now.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Favourite Shot

I was asked recently what my favourite shot I've every taken was. I think kayaking wise it has to be this one of Mikey Abbot running a drop in Italy. Allan Ellard was taking video. Bob Campbell was taking stills as well. The cool thing is was that after this shot was taken bob and I jumped in a hire car and headed to the airport to fly home. Awesome time.