Saturday morning came and fed and coffeed a few last minute adjustments to the truck and I was ready.
There had been 22 punches (in the end we found out there were only 20) laid out across the site so we had been told. Clumped together in groups of about 4 or 5.
Later on in the day we really enjoyed a few of the forest sections which may well be close to the Tay Forest Challenge. This punch was a good one. I teamed up with Mike over the day as we are competing together for the Tay. So we got a chance to work together.
Mike watching as I winch lower off the last punch of the day.
We had to winch off a bridge to get the attached punch card to the punch hanging from the bridge.
Dirty and wet at the end of the day. It was a great day and I hope SORC can run more of these over the year. I would love to get a small series of the events running over the year.