Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Boots

The new look Soft Top has been getting used a bit on the road lately and I didn't fancy wearing down my Simex's. Soooooooo I have fitted a set of second hand 35in/ 12.5in - 15inch Mickey Thompson Baja MTZ's....

Friday, August 13, 2010

Kinclaven Bridge

I got a chance, on my day off, to get out on the Tay yesterday. I went out with Craig, Dani and Less the Dog. They took a Wenonah Prospector 16 RX and I took a Native Kayak Manta Ray 12 Angler.

We paddled from Kinclaven Bridge down to Burnmouth Ferry at Stanley. The weather was very mixed. Sunshine and showers I think they call it.

Going down through the Fishing pools there were alot of fishermen out obviously. They were all very accomodatiing and happy for us to pass by.

Pictured above is Campsie Linn. An easy paddle at this level. Alot harder in high water.

As we were running the last rapid to the finish it dumped it down with rain. I was still fairly warm but it was like tropical rain pounding down.
A great afternoon out on the water.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

SORC Tyro Drumglog

SORC Drumglog RTV/ Tyro was held last weekend and I was course setting for the Tyro. It was a great chance to get the new look toy out for a run. I got down on the Saturday lunch time to see the afternoon's RTV action. Pictures here.
Winner Jimmy Arthur getting another clear.
RTV Results Here.

Marcus getting recovered out of an RTV section.

I never got my camera out on the Sunday for the Tyro. But a great day was had by all with 10 competitors and 10 sections. Tyro results Here.

Front and Back shots of the new look soft top.