Last weekend the 20th of September saw the return of Wheels in the Woods. A SORC run event which has become very popular over the last 4 years it has been running. As SORC members we are mostly on marshall duty with a bit of recovery thrown in every so often.
I turned up on the Saturday along with a few folks we finished setting up some of the section that Hugh and his team had been working on for most of the week.
In the afternoon we were in Elibank Forest and I was up on the Moor Run. A great Red Route that must be almost 2 miles long. Great views and driving all day. Well done Hugh and the team along with all the other SORC members making the day run smoothly.
As they say what goes up must come down. That is true to say about the sections. The following weekend was set to make sure all the sections had been cleared properly.. ; ) This time I took the family.