Saturday, April 7, 2012

#94 flood waters

So at about 9.30am this morning the main water pipe into the shop blew for no apparent reason.

Water everywhere. The joint blew before the cut off tap so we couldn't just switch it off. When we tried to switch the water off outside at the mains spur the valve blew off! Flooding outside too. An hour or so past while we tried to shut it if manually. Up to my armpit in water reaching the valve to no avail. Water board came out and switched of mains down the road cutting water to most of the industrial estate and Ruthenfield! Sorry if you live there and were without water today. Mains spur valve got fixed and is turned off so no water getting to the temporary fix tonight.

Anyway we don't have water at the shop just now but at least it was business as usual by lunchtime. I did get dry clothes on by 1pm. Plumber will be back Monday.

Carpets up and new water feature coming out the wall are todays pics!