Wednesday, May 23, 2012

#141 shop front

Starting to look like a shop front now. We have to be out of our old unit by Friday and we still have a lot to clear out of there. Mostly rubbish oh and the 20 odd boats we have stored there.

Glass front going in Friday as well. We are operating out of the new shop now and it is a great place to be. The official opening will be the weekend of June 9th and 10th so put the date in your diary. It will be a big thankyou to everyone who helped make it happen.

It is funny as we opened Brookbank Perth on June 10th 2006. Six years on we do about 5 times the turnover, we get and extra 1000sqft and we are going to have a bike shop upstairs helping with the rent and increasing footfall! Someone deserves a raise this year! :)

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